Thursday 28 May 2009

Poetic words

You branded a cross in to my head
and told me to have faith.
You preached this man was our saviour,
his father the creator of our race.
No questions were I about to pose
for no true answers could be given,
it was taken for granted I should believe
in this fairy tale you named religion.
There is no proof in what you say
only words that have survived through time,
yet it seems that if we dont concede, it is a silent type of crime.
These books and scriptures
start many wars,
their followers are fanatic,
if they all could, just dismiss this god,
the world would be less satanic.
If you believe in a superior being,
and you have chosen to decide,
which heavenly figure truly exists
and by which religion you should abide,
be it a cult, a sect, a faith
a church, a mosque, or holy ground,
please realise they are all a solution
so we don't go insane,
an infectious excuse
you have caught and found.
Humans will hurt, and fight
they will maim, and kill,
all for this purified myth
but I ask,
why cause a holocaust for poetic words?
no real god would be party to this.

M J Martin.


  1. I love it! Only error I noticed was "partie" in the last sentence.

  2. Looks great and well written. Not sure if you are familiar with John Allen Paulos, who wrote "IRRELIGION: A Mathematician Explains Why the Arguments for God Just Don't Add Up", but thought you might be interested.

    I am at

  3. thankyou for your contributions, your comments are viewed and noted.
