Wednesday 27 May 2009

Not to be sneezed at.

After watching Ida, The link, on BBC1 last night(fascinating), it got me thinking, which is always dangerous.
We are, of course, constantly evolving, although it is subtle, after all, it is highly unlikely any one of us will wake up one morning, have a shower, sit on the old bathroom stool in order to cut our toe nails(thats right, i have stopped biting mine!) and, on further inspection, wonder what that nubbin is. Sure of the fact it wasn't there before, how come it appears to have a nail?, and what the hell do I need an extra toe for!
Sometime ago I recall someone telling me that whenever they go out in to the sunshine, they sneeze. I can not recall if it was my theory or someone Else's, but it was mentioned that this could in fact be an evolutionary process. That our bodies were reacting to dangerous ultra violet light by provoking an almost allergic type reaction.Danger danger, and all that.
I took time to do a little research, and it is, in fact, a condition, called Photic sneeze reflex(PSR), which apparently is an over stimulation of the optic nerve, which can trigger the trigeminal nerve(5th cranial nerve) which is responsible for sneezing in humans. It is by all accounts common, often genetic, and is especially common amongst fighter pilots, who spend much of their time above the cloud level, and can suffer sneeze attacks at the worst moments(imagine).
So, perhaps PSR is one of those subtle evolutionary processes, one which has developed over thousands of years, but we just didn't notice.And if this is so, what other minor processes are taking place, and what could they eventually lead to?
I, for instance, always get shooting back pains whenever I am anticipating lifting something heavier than a small child. Could this be part of that evolutionary cycle? I know I suffer from a dust allergy, which renders me incapable of dusting or vacuuming. I also have an allergy to detergents, so there goes the washing up(I'm also allergic to rubber,so gloves are no good,smart arse) It's amazing the number of things that evolve within us to protect/help us, remain safe.
In 100,000 years, what will us humans have gained?
I would love to hear your ideas, and I am sure I will write more on this at a later date!

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