Saturday 26 September 2009


approach me, come on approach me
on the dead leaves of fall, stand up and be counted
draw that pistol, sketch that leather saddle and you will die
if that's what you wish
i shall take and introduce you to the after life
but you go on and blame me, for the stupidity
the insanity, its all caused by a mid morning sunset
you called out my name, in the saloon
you decided that I was too old to do this again
well, I'm a going prove you wrong
just one last time young un
my middle finger is a twitching on the pearl handle
stare into my eyes, and see i mean what i say
turn around, walk away
i give you one more chance,
don't make me kill another son again
don't you do it, ain't no ladies going to respect you more
a corpse don't marry, nor have young uns
i will put that bullet in the middle of you
straight through you son, i am that hired gun
i may be sixty, but i ain't lost my touch
back away, i pray, back away.

I walk, good night son,
sleep well.
just right there in the dirt
where you fell.

When I were out walking

When I were out walking but a few days ago
I met a man from the east side, a genius don't you know
he smiled through teeth of anguish, chess pieces on his brain
intense blackened eyes, like his king queen bishop insane.
When I were out walking on the pier of New York
I met a man selling shell fish, fresh from the east side of the coast
his head was all grizzled. gnarled with knowledge and age
he talked of wars and sacrifices, he was a seaman of sage.
When I were out walking on the coast of Delaware Bay
I smelt the essence of history upon a cockle shop day
passing octogenarian couples, white haired commitments delight
not forgetting the immigrants, recalling the fights.
When I were out walking, but a few days ago
a red lobster, face scaring the children as I go
the bottle of booze, wrapped in brown paper
this hobo a travelling, in the midst of the later.
I sat on the east coast, having made it by rail from the west
just a skinny old man dressed in slacks and a vest
seeking others just like me, a family I never did know
the calling of ancestry, that allowed me to delve oh so low.
When I were out walking I stumbled and fell
in the high tide of the east coast, no more time for this drunkard to dwell
I am here for a reason, to wash all the pain away
salt water of the east side, it is the end of my day.

Friday 25 September 2009

The death March, April, May.

Bare shoulders
laid on a slab board
kneading of manipulation and massages
messengers and fortification
defences, tensed
high fenced
do not touch me there.
spine tingling, bringing
a death march, April, may
allow you to invade
a blade, of precision, cuts the meat
in two and diced
double sixes
gamble, that they never find you
only, perhaps the tissue
that you cried upon
ligaments and fissure
a passing passion of the issue
I published
for the hunters to follow and find.
they did
bars me from doing the insane thing again
in the marsh lands I spread
the horror
now locked up in the corridor of the row
and the light will go out
I have a sponge upon my head
the priest reads the rights
the contemplation of the last meal
is truly, eaten, fed
cackle with a laughter
of electricity, of the darkened mourning
tis night time of horror
tis the right time for the dead.

Friday 11 September 2009

Kite to the moon

The point of riding the back of a kite
is to travel to the moon
with the thread let loose
aim for the Crater
on a dark side of earth
the point of riding the back of a kite
ribbons flailing in the inexhaustible air
no atmosphere
yet I peer at the end of the string tied
satisfied I guided it
lunar ticks inside of me
cast out with the fly on the end
beyond sight
the point of flying a kite.

Mr Knock Knock

knock, knock
who's there
its the angel of death
what do you want, I'm six years old
knock knock
i answered the door Mr knock angel
your parents
what about mummy and daddy
they died tonight.
Is this the babysitter telling me?
In a car crash across the river bridge to home
no, I'm seven years old
grandaddy says you don't exist
knock knock i do
I live the life within you
you can't, i have no life in me anymore
my life died on the bridge
knock knock
i chose that for you, i always have
not anymore you bastard saint
you allowed them to drown
did I
you did
knock knock
its a joke no more.
knock knock
who's there?
the river was shallow, they survived
angel of death
you lied
that's what i do
to disturb and provoke you
Honey we are home
eight years old
Drowned faces found again
nine years old
sea the weed in me
nurture me to suck on the teet
you are too old
I'm not, you took them away,
we are here baby
that nasty old knock knock has gone away
really? mommy, really
No its me,
I love to see the pain on your face
and pronounce i can without doubt
college years spread on campus
no more dread
fall in love with the girl I met
so pretty, i want to marry
I want to evolve
knock knock!
No, go away, I'm happy now, i don't need you
yes you do, I'm Mr knock knock
inside of your head
you should have been in the car that night
I will never go away
My friends call me guilt
here's my card
I'm thirty years old
I don't care, tap, tap, tap
I have a two year old child, you are dead
KNock Knock
no, no!
I have a three year old baby, you can't control me anymore.
I can and will,
Goodbye Mr knock knock.
Dont leave me
i need you,
im nothing without you
knock knock
who's there...........
no one at all.

Early morning kill.

I sat on snails glistening shell like
during processions of midnight
remembering them
amongst stars of yesteryear's forgotten
dew a hearing
on early morning web sites
transparent globules of gathered
droplets, calm and hanging.
An ancient log recorded, a
hundred years and rotten still
alive, with dawn
colours erupting on the lines
the musk smell of the dear
beloved, carried on the wind
the scent.
suddenly my pupils copulate together
focus on cross eyed hairs
rifle through drawers mind,
cease are, all hail
trigger the fuel and fire.
One shot
on purple heathers back
she fell
roe roe roe we gloat
gently down redeem
merrily drunk and high on life
i wish it was all
a dream.

Saturday 5 September 2009

Retarded Atheists

I'm tired of this, jump on the band wagon syndrome, I hate God, I hate people who love God, I dislike people who hold out for the afterlife, just accept that after we die their is nothing but dust and darkness. Screw you, if you apply your intellect to scaremonger amongst people who have chosen religion as a way to calm themselves, go in to a kids playground, and punch a five year old in the face, then tell his parent you did it because you could. It takes the same amount of arrogance to proclaim you are an atheist without original arguments, as it does to proclaim you have found God, ooo, look at me, i have quotes from,,,,,from who, other retarded atheists, who find it easier to dismiss religion than accept, big wow, step down, who do you think you are?
I can argue with the simple kid in class, does that make me better than them, No.
If they want to argue their cause, their belief with me, does that make them wrong? No
If i give them gravitates and cause, reason, and ammunition, does that make me retarded? Yes.
If you claim to be intelligent, shut up, Atheism is not a religion that needs to be spread, it is an intellect of automatic acceptance, it does not need a label, a badge, a reason, it is a step of evolution, do not brag you have thumbs, simply use them.

speaking in tongues

Du bis meiene libe
du bist meine liben
du bist so schoen
ich vollen de gehaen
hand on hand
fur immfurt
ich liebe dicht
ich stets vil
meine austvistz
graspen entezvzl fur das nicht
bon marche a la trepidiarese
avez las odivideosa
real a concubine
el fuse ce core
bien, la duutticcelotti
massa cor e toure
du bis meine libe
du bis mein liber
du bis so schoen.
a full stop here
a comma there
a word divided
i was not
the chimes
the songs
i speak as good in
manipulate around rte

Friday 4 September 2009


I never felt the material of felt against the rub
of Arabic tents, red light candles in midnight
sub scarfes wrapped against the sumer cold
red eyes leering against a bar begin to fold
arabic scripture, imagine you
, dessert
afterwards, in towel, silk,
maricach market, incence me
you will,
i plat against i8n a milliojbn e times
i feel my fingers platy io bn;, ghca nnnn onot control
i trty
i really f do
as fast a bv s i can
the guitar settkles
because i
an the one that rtry s rto translatge atg some one point o
forgifve3 m,e mpl,eaese in the Arabic of
i realy try to undersaanli8bnd it
this interpreta77ion betwen cultoooooures
i am beginning to
i have begun to
i aplogise#
i apologise
i mat mat may realiseeeee
begin to
and conquor
of breath
of breath
and breath, again
mat i
do u