Friday 22 May 2009

History of that stain New York 8pm

Clip on tie
it will have to do,
never learnt to tie a tie,
she will say
you lazy fool
you dont care,
i do
i swear
shirt creased
where is the ironing bored?
broke at the weekend
should have replaced
do it on the rug,
it's soft, will do
five seconds too long
smell of burning
raucous heat
through the still, damp
onto the rug,
curse you
ironing broad
that your legs
and broke
I have a god damn given date
that was my favourite silk shirt
and the rug,
the rug is stained
marked, I'm going to be late,
forgive me,
forgiven, she said.
Danced all evening
to the steam of the music
I would love to,
tension building
feeling slightly sick
back at the apartment,
whats with the stain on the floor?
it's all part of the history
ironing board legs gave way
it was inebriated,
I joke
it spoiled the rug,
I know
hey ho
I can buy another rug.
12 am
don't forget the bagels in the morning,
already ordered
with honey and damn,
you mean jam,
do I?
on the rug?
dont matter on the matted rug
so we made love.
Looking forward to the dawn.
Knock on the door,
dressing gown
to answer,
honey and jam?
slipped him a ten dollar note
could have bought me that ironing board
and a new rug
five dollars
at old willies superstore.
She looked at me, morning smile
bagels for two
as ordered by you,
and the ironing mark on the rug
newspapers delivered
beep beep
no way,
6 am
coffee coloured catered for her
I will stir
one sugar or two?
It's 6 am,
lets lie in for a minute or two,
you and me,
and the mark on the rug
from the ironing stain,
it started to pay
because the bagels dripped
the honey and jam
onto the place we slept that night,
and we continue
at 8 am
on a New York monday morning
didn't even like the bakery
on the corner
but the girl
I met
At 6am
I think she's here to stay.
she was driving me insane
and now i have an excuse
to throw that awful rug
and the history of the stain.

M J Martin

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