Saturday 9 May 2009

Do you know how I have reduced my carbon footprint for the next generation? I didn't breed. So that's covered me for the next one thousand years. So fuck it.
I'm microwaving a boiling kettle, underneath a solarium, in the back of an 18 wheeler, heading for a cargo plane, setting out to fly around the world, seven days a week.
Because I'm in credit.
In fact, fuck it twice, while I'm at it, I'll parachute into the Arctic, kill a couple of polar bears and some baby seals, set fire to their carcasses, stoke the fire with a 1000 bottles of hair spray and a few hundred tyres, and cook me some whale meat while i look on and watch the sun turn black. And I will still be in credit.
I might as well jet ski over to the U.S, kidnap Obama, hide him somewhere so he don't have a chance to change the world, hold him for ransom and demand Sarah palin be installed as president!
OK, I just ran out of credit.
Yet jokes aside. DON'T BREED. And if you already have, tell your kids, or your grand kids, not to breed. Because if we can just control the population boom, within 2 generations, the economy could pull up out of free fall, we could reduce the amount of food we eat while increasing its growth, therefor being able to feed the third world. We would reduce the amount of energy we consume, giving the environment, a natural healer, time to recover.
When farmers grow crops, they have a fallow field, one put aside to allow the ground to recover. Well lets do that! it is not a hard equation to follow.
Then, after a while, a generation of older males, who can carry on procreating into their 80s, can go over to Asia(because lets face it, China and India will struggle to carry out birth control), breed with a younger, healthier,generation of Asian women, creating a more vibrant mixed race of humans. Systematically eradicating racism and prejudice.
These new super humans would then help to establish a regenerated, more intelligent and financially secure world.
I'm just throwing out curve balls, that's all.

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