Friday 23 February 2018

between the heart of dark and blackness

There's an unfortunate moment during the step torn passage between the heart of dark and blackness
A caustic iron exhaust ing back fire on a BBQ grilling in the FBI interrogation subtleness
I caved like a bosom filtering milk to the newborn baby , scratched like a foot. against Momas nipple
Creased like the wave crashing on the surf tides crippled ripple.

Their was a she spent time into the creativity of this depth and for gone a rhyme
A misprint on the head of a typing error, an eye over,  applying the mascara of hell bent to the crime
I regret my fortitude the attitude the substitute the cute partner of the grenade
The serenade of a saxophone and a string of guitars , visiting , of my mind standing, and acting on this very staged display.

The cherry breath I taste whenever I ignite a cigarette , the taste of life
No matter the brain, splatter, on the car window, so slow, in intrinsic poetry, a look at dreams and strife
The left of all that matters
Of sinew and haterd, the spasticsted spasms of a man down but not out.

The trial every evening I experienced before the fire logged in timber
The thoughts I crave, the reason I try to remember
But I'm afraid the senility had over loaded the senses , the apprehension
I'm a shadow of myself now the fog has defended upon the lacking of my decision

And into the naked light I saw, amongst the world in which I disappear
This extinguished
Illuminated anguish, a told you so, a clue that you never knew
And all I am, is this
A remembrance of solitude between the heart of dark and blackness.