Saturday 7 November 2009

Aldus Phillies and his Amazing Victorian tunneling worm!

The worm was forced to tunnel
through the blackness
heading toward the west coast
driven on
the only direction,
darkness down
ridden hard
to its destination.
The Congo no longer
a real invitation
after captures screams, the raptures
Serene, forced upon
to hold the beast, celebrates it capture.
Victorian circus whipped and slithered
amongst its cream of blood
humongous muscles that dived
through the clay and mud.
The worm dug the tracks, and im afraid it bled
the tunnel, Aldus Phillies cried
must be built in simply decades
the workers feared and died.
Towards the states united
the beast,
he was driven delved so frightened
yet his fortitude beyond redemption
Aldus remained enlightened.
He rode upon His back and swore
Give me the African river beast
I travelled south to tame Him
I order his sweat for now at least.
So the worm swam through the clay fields
heading towards the American shore
with a bleeding head of virtue
with Phillies wanting more.
The Victorian tracks did follow
as the engineer, he had planned
that nineteenth century connection
across the Atlantic dream expand.
The Congo worm, tamed, reigned and exhausted
never saw light at tunnels end
yet the train ran through to daylight
the English man would remain your friend.
Yet not to the captured Congo eel
although a promise had been made
with a grasping of a human hand
The worms fingers had been splayed
and doubted Oroonoko style
a promise to a prince extinguished
the railway and the bile
a life had been relinquished.
For the Congo one died in its passage
yet the tunnel from east to west
was made on the back of emptiness
and the African did its best.
So Aldus was rewarded
for the tunnel from Victorias land
and yet the five hundred thousand year old worm
died as it was born
in ancient sand.

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