Wednesday 17 June 2009

Green for Iran.

Twitter, it seems, is doing its bit for Iran, where many of the people I follow, and those who follow me, have gone green. It is a remarkable turn of events, and may be the first time(that i am aware of) that this has happened on twitter. Facebook, of course, has long had 'groups' which you could join, in order to protest about one thing or another, but twitter is not that kind of social networking site. So this protest has been organised, and it has taken a bunch of unconnected individuals, most of whom i find to be educated and well informed, to stand up, and try to do their part. Its not a lot, although twitter itself has, it seems, been a very useful tool for those protesters actually in Iran. Although we have only played a minor role in showing our support, if I were an Iranian on the streets of Tehran, hearing that the people of the Twitter world were standing in solidarity, people, who, i might add, are from all walks of life, colour and creed, religious and non religious amongst them, I, would feel more empowered.
Although it will take so much more for a free Iran, the best we can do, is to apply pressure to our MPs to take action. Maybe this is the future of twitter, maybe this is the future full stop.
There will be new issues to deal with once this one has passed(with a positive conclusion one hopes), I, at least, am happy, and proud, to be a part of that future. It will, i suspect, always take an army of individuals, to take to the streets, to voice their concerns en mass, but every incensed, passionate, metaphoric ship of change, needs a cyber wind of supporters to encourage them on that journey.

1 comment:

  1. Real change is going to have to come from within Iran, and I suspect that there is very little those of us outside the country can do to help. One thing we can do - and as you mentioned are already starting to do - is make it clear that we support the people of Iran to make their own decisions. Maybe it is only a symbolic gesture, but I think it is an important one.
