Friday 16 June 2017


Until I began to dream
In a Kodak colour photograph
A spectrum phonograph that's playing on the inside
Of my head does the gray mind splurge matter
Can we even abide the splatter of blue bullets abide.

Are we intuitive at all cascading fall, out on a sleeping bag that's home
A beard , tangled upon my chin masking the intellect within
Homeless beggar, whose  force and echo goes unanswered with or without the trip and fall
Can you spare a dollar for this poor peasant that tries to strive beyond this rigmarole

Tread carefully upon my lying  human form as you pass by and barely
Acknowledge me, this lonely soul ghost ship that passes by so serenely
In a fog that clouded your thoughts , so insipid amongst the colours of the rainbow
I'd take you in if you wasn't such a rabid fog like man an eye for an eye scary scarecrow

But you are who you are and yet I spit on you because I'm given a cause
That on days I'm better than you. I'm confused because I can't possibly be I'm just
The marinade, to your rich charred out source
Cheeks after a day in the sun burned and after all because they told me and force

Me. To have a look down vertigo dizziness upon your poor disheveled scalp
Maybe I should dig deep into first world problems pockets, I know deep down I'll help
But my time is uneventual. A word Made up to describe you because that's how much I care
I'm a passing boo, a shallow shadow, a brief regretful scare

Do not believe a word I say. I'm Not a trustworthy man or father
I'm a passing sentence for your sins a butchers dance on cleavers carver
This unkempt man from a good upbringing in which I'll find
A neutral colour you'll ignore in the subway of your mind

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