Saturday 7 January 2017

The sabre toothed tiger

I heard a rumour just the other day about the sabre toothed tiger and his biggest regret
That he didn't live forever and he began to forget
A fossilised unfortunate stone coloured misfortune due to alcoholic depression
The evolutionary way with words that curbed his progression.

All of the love that has passed throughout his life from the sublime pterodactyl
To the mammoth of wooly task and tusk of a prehistoric pill
A million year old story upon an amber built plinth of passing years
Amongst other shaded beings in a petrified Forrest of salt water tears.

Yet I still believe a Sabre toothed tigers fossils can rekindle an interest
That his mother can live on through the examinations and the tests
An archeological dusting of stones and distant pebbles
A gathering of brothers and sisters long passed on all the distant levels

He grows stronger in stature amongst other ancient discovered bones
His fur becomes reignited to the waking of the dead cells they bemoan
The lack of chances that occurred in that prehistoric world of him and he
Inebriated striped on skin punctuated and tattooed a realisation of we.

A mighty proud hunter who gathered all until the very end
The good mammal of the future, perhaps the forever dust covered friend
No matter how many times the tiger tapped out of the poker game of strife
His history will survive upon the writings within caves the art on the wall of his life.

Michael j Martin. Transformed upon fossilised history

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