Saturday 5 September 2009

Retarded Atheists

I'm tired of this, jump on the band wagon syndrome, I hate God, I hate people who love God, I dislike people who hold out for the afterlife, just accept that after we die their is nothing but dust and darkness. Screw you, if you apply your intellect to scaremonger amongst people who have chosen religion as a way to calm themselves, go in to a kids playground, and punch a five year old in the face, then tell his parent you did it because you could. It takes the same amount of arrogance to proclaim you are an atheist without original arguments, as it does to proclaim you have found God, ooo, look at me, i have quotes from,,,,,from who, other retarded atheists, who find it easier to dismiss religion than accept, big wow, step down, who do you think you are?
I can argue with the simple kid in class, does that make me better than them, No.
If they want to argue their cause, their belief with me, does that make them wrong? No
If i give them gravitates and cause, reason, and ammunition, does that make me retarded? Yes.
If you claim to be intelligent, shut up, Atheism is not a religion that needs to be spread, it is an intellect of automatic acceptance, it does not need a label, a badge, a reason, it is a step of evolution, do not brag you have thumbs, simply use them.


  1. how many people have been slaughtered in the name of god vs in the name of atheism, and also, who are you to judge?

  2. I am not judging, i am simply saying that some atheists feel they need to argue, why throw logs on a fire that will, in the end, burn out of natural causes.

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